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Nanoscience Instruments White Papers

Tech Note | Technology: Scanning Electron Microscopy

Python Programming for SEM Automation

Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) are staple tools for analyzing the structures and elemental makeup of surfaces with high resolution. Bringing SEM instruments in-house can provide immense value to organizations that…

App Note | Technology: Scanning Electron Microscopy

Analyzing Morphological and Mechanical Properties at the Microscale for Tissue Engineering

Regenerative medicine is an evolving field focused on developing advanced technologies that harness the body’s natural healing abilities to restore or replace damaged tissues and organs in the body lost…

App Note | Technology: Optical Tensiometry

Surface Free Energy for Monitoring Surface Cleanliness

Surface Free Energy (SFE) of a solid surface is analogous to the surface tension of a liquid. Just as the surface tension of a liquid is a result of the…

Tech Note | Technology: Electrospinning

Controlling the Orientation of Electrospun Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering

Electrospinning is a versatile and promising technique for fabricating nanofibrous scaffolds that can biomimic the extracellular matrix (ECM) of natural tissues. These nanofibrous scaffolds have several unique properties, including a…

Tech Note | Technology: Spark Ablation

Spark Ablation Based Additive Manufacturing for Electrolyzer Fabrication

Water electrolysis is widely regarded as a promising solution for supplying green hydrogen at scale. Electrolyzer devices use electricity to drive the water-splitting reaction, producing streams of H2 and O2…

Tech Note | Technology: CryoEM Sample Preparation

Overcoming the Learning Curve of CRYO-EM Sample Preparation

Advancements in cryogenic transmission electron microscopes coupled with recent breakthroughs in detectors and automation have moved single-particle cryo-EM from its revolution phase to a faster, more powerful era. Software and…

App Note | Technology: Optical Tensiometry

Contact Angle Measurement for Monitoring Surface Cleanliness

Surface contamination is a concern for a wide variety of industries and their production processes such as polishing, surface treatments, coatings, bonding, and etching. Contamination can arise from a variety…

App Note | Technology: Scanning Electron Microscopy

Morphological and Compositional Analysis of Battery Materials

The crux of energy storage research concerns optimizing the properties of electrochemical devices to improve efficiency, reliability, safety, and cost – four core concepts that push ceaseless efforts into the…

App Note | Technology: Scanning Electron Microscopy

Bioavailability of Pharmaceutical Nanoparticle Formulations

Every affliction of the body has its respective remedy, some targeted solution designed to alleviate or prevent negative health effects. Such remedies may have a long list of responsibilities to…

App Note | Technology: Quartz Crystal Microbalance

In Situ Monitoring of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase

A good understanding of different electrochemical processes that occur inside a device is critical for the optimization of various components of rechargeable batteries. Since all critical processes of batteries and…

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