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Simplified, Scalable, & Clean Production of Catalyst Coated Membranes

Originally Aired:

Date: June 8, 2023


The current environmental challenges related to climate change and rarefication of fossil fuel energies require new clean and green sources of energy, including hydrogen. However, 95% of hydrogen production still relies on fossil fuels. Water electrolysis using renewable energy sources like wind or solar power is one of the clean production methods for hydrogen. Catalysts Coated membranes consist of precisely structured catalysts, typically platinum (cathode) and iridium (anode) that are applied to solid membranes in a way which maximises hydrogen production.

In this webinar we will present the technology behind catalysts coated membranes and the challenges of its development and production, and detail how new ways of generating nano particles and depositing those particles via printing contributes to tackle those challenges for a simplified, scalable and clean production of CCM’s. Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to interact in the live Q&A session.

About the presenter:

Dr Erdem Irtem is an engineer with extensive knowledge on materials and electrochemistry for Renewable Energy Systems, particularly on Power-to-X and Batteries for electric vehicles. He enjoys working in projects that aims disruptive innovations related to the sustainable energy. He obtained his PhD in 2017 from the University of Barcelona with his work on designing and prototyping an electrochemical flow-cell for artificial photosynthesis. In the last 5 years, he has been working as a Researcher in Belgium and Netherlands on developing novel electrodes and flow-cell systems on CO2 conversion and water electrolysis. Since August 2022, he has been working as an Application Specialist on Electrochemistry at VS Particle for the development of next-generation technologies.

Presentation By:

Dr. Erdem Irtem
Application Specialist

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