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Product Brochure
Potentiostats & Galvanostats


The Ivium-N-stat is a powerful, flexible, modular, multi-channel potentiostat/galvanostat system that can be customized to meet your requirements for high throughput parallel electrochemistry.

Modular and Flexible

Mix and match 6 different single-channel or dual-channel modules


High resolution for accurate and precise results

Integrated EIS for simultaneous, independent measurements

Product Overview

The Ivium-N-Stat can be configured using 8 different modules, with six single-channel and 2 dual-channel options available. Single-channel S-modules offer a wide range of maximum current/voltage choices and dual-channel D-modules allow for maximization of the number of channels in one instrument. A maximum of 8 modules can be installed in one Ivium-N-Stat, resulting in up to 16 channels. Up to 4 Ivium-N-Stat units can be stacked and controlled by a single computer.

Each module can operate independently and simultaneously, communicating directly with the software on your computer without being buffered through a communication hub.

The integrated electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ensures the correct channel is monitored for impedance measurements, unlike many commercial systems with external EIS modules.

The Ivium-N-Stat utilizes 18-bit high-resolution analog to digital converters for accurate voltage and current measurements. Combined with filter and stability settings that reduce noise, this leads to world-class electrochemical measurements.


The Ivium-N-Stat can accommodate up to 8 independent single or dual-channel modules. The module options include:

  • sModule, 1A/50V: Single channel, ±1A / ±50V
  • sModule, 2A/30V: Single channel, ±2A / ±30V
  • sModule, 2.5A/10V: Single channel, ±2.5A / ±10V
  • sModule, 5A/10V: Single channel, ±5A / ±10V
  • sModule, 10A/5V: Single channel, ±10A / ±5V
  • sModule, 20A/2V: Single channel, ±20A / ±2V
  • dModule, 1A/20V: Dual channel, ±1A / ±20V
  • dModule, 2.5A/10V: Dual channel, ±2.5A / ±10V
Application Areas

Ivium-N-stat’s wide range of modules makes it suitable for a wide range of applications.  From fuel cell, electrolyzer, and battery testing where higher currents are required, to paints and coatings, sensors, and microelectrodes for low currents.

Linear sweep voltammogram of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Iridium Nanoparticles
Impedance spectrum of a Coin Cell battery at 70% state-of-charge
Cyclic voltammogram of Potassium Ferricyanide in Potassium Chloride solution

Talk to an Electrochemical Expert Today!


Product Features

Unique Solution:

The Ivium-N-Stat offers a unique solution with both DC and EIS measurements available and the possibility to mix and match both low and high-current modules to offer more flexibility, all controlled from the same software platform.


Customers can configure a system to meet their needs with modules suitable for standard electrochemistry experiments and higher current channels for more taxing samples like fuel cells and larger batteries, higher voltage devices up to 50V can also be addressed. The Ivium-N-Stat can contain both single-channel modules and dual-channel modules together and a chassis with all dual-channel modules can have a total of 16 channels.


The Ivium-n-Stat modules have a wide applied voltage range of up to 10 V with a resolution of 80 µV and an impressive minimum voltage measurement down to 7 nV.  The Ivium-n-Stat modules also have current ranges up to 11 decades and a remarkable current measurement resolution as low as 3 fA (femtoamps).


The Ivium-n-Stat modules have industry-leading 18-bit resolution for current and voltage measurements. This translates into high-accuracy results.  Signal acquisition rates are up to 300,000 samples per second. With a bandwidth greater than 5 MHz, fast signal changes (rise times) are standard, allowing for fast pulse response times.  Incorporated into the software are unique features like intuitive adjustable sampling time and safety limits for protection of your batteries from over- and under-voltage.

EIS on every channel:

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is standard on every channel for simultaneous, independent impedance measurements with embedded EIS technology, not multiplexed across several channels.  The frequency range is 10 µHz to 250 kHz (optionally 1 MHz) offering identical quality measurements like any Ivium research-grade potentiostat. EIS measurements can be performed independently and simultaneously on multiple channels without delay, speeding up your tests without degrading your measurements.

Data Security

Ivium-n-Stat can be used with a µDataSecure module (purchased separately) that can save up to 1 billion points independently from the computer. This ensures that if there is a communication loss or a computer crash, the measurement will continue, and data will not be lost. This provides peace of mind for long-duration, high-throughput testing.

The µDataSecure module also allows for remote access via a Local Area Network (LAN). This allows for multiple researchers to conduct experiments on the same instrument at the same time. A connection can also be made via a USB cable.

Versatility through software

IviumSoft software contains experiments for every major electrochemical experiment and has the versatility to design experiments that you just thought up!  Available experiments include cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry, pulse techniques, corrosion techniques, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.  In addition, dedicated battery testing software allows for the design of complicated battery testing protocols.  Cycliscan acquisition and IviLab analysis software complement each other to offer a powerful platform for your studies.  Whether performing R&D or quality control, your needs are covered. 

Want to learn more? Talk to an electrochemical specialist today:

Potentiostats & Galvanostats

Ivium-n-Stat Module Comparison

Number of channels per module 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
Maximum current ±2A ±1A ±2.5A ±5A ±10A ±20A ±2.5A ±1A
Compliance Voltage ±30V ±50V ±10V ±10V ±5V ±2V ±10V ±20V
Maximum Applied Voltage ±10V ±10V ±10V ±10V ±5V ±2V ±10V ±10V
Maximum Measured Voltage ±10V ±10V ±10V ±10V ±5V ±2V ±10V ±10V
Current Ranges ±100pA to±10A ±100pA to±1A ±100pA to±10A ±100pA to±10A ±100pA to±10A ±100pA to±10A ±100pA to±1A ±100pA to±1A
Galvanostatic Current Ranges ±10nA to±10A ±10nA to±1A ±10nA to±10A ±10nA to±10A ±10nA to±10A ±10nA to±10A ±10nA to±1A ±10nA to±1A

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